Mathematics Teacher Educator (MTE) Panel

  • Committee Charge

    Mathematics Teacher Educator (MTE) Panel is charged to:

    1. Establish policies and procedures for the Mathematics Teacher Educator so that it serves as a respected source of scholarly information and dialogue addressing significant and currently relevant problems in mathematics teacher education. These policies and procedures shall include:

    • defining the general format of the journal and its components;
    • ensuring timely review and publication of manuscripts;
    • providing leadership and professional counsel in the ongoing development of the journal.

    2. Advise and assist the Editor in the review and selection of manuscripts for publication. This shall include:

    • assisting in the establishment and periodic revision of standards for accepting manuscripts for publication;
    • helping to define, refine, and monitor the processes for the receipt, refereeing, acceptance, and publication of manuscripts;
    • advising on the process for recruiting referees and the list of those selected;
    • reviewing of submitted manuscripts, as requested by the Editor, according to policies established by the Editor and Panel.

    3. Under the leadership of the Editor, advise and report to the Board of Directors of AMTE and NCTM on matters related to the journal. This shall include:

    • Preparation of brief written reports to the Boards, as requested;
    • Preparation and submission of an Annual Report to the Boards of AMTE and NCTM, including budget requests.

    Editorial Panel

    Andrew Tyminski – Chair (2023-2025)
    Greenville, SC

    Yasemin Copur-Gencturk
    Los Angeles, CA

    Signe Kastberg
    West Lafayette, IN

    Kari Kokka
    Las Vegas, NV

    Gladys Krause
    Williamsburg, VA

    Katherine Sun
    Santa Clara, CA

    Jennifer Wolfe
    Tucson, AZ

    Stacie Kaichi-Imamura – NCTM Board Liaison
    Kaneohe, HI 

    Kristin Lesseig  AMTE Board Liaison
    Kennesaw, GA

    Babette Benken – AMTE VP of Publications
    Long Beach, CA

    David Barnes – NCTM Staff Liaison
    Reston, VA

    MTE Editors

    Michael Steele – Editor
    Muncie, IN
    2022 - 2024

    Kate Johnson – Associate Editor
    Provo, UT
    2022 - 2026