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    Role of mental mathematics and how it applies to clear objectives for what students should be able to do mentally. Engage teachers in linking mental mathematics strategies with critical thinking strategies in the classroom.
    Mathematics Teacher
    Number and Operations
    Student responses to an algebraic task bring teachers insight into students’ approach, their interpretation and what knowledge they drew on in answering the question.  Learn how to plan better instruction to develop students’ understanding of mathematical proofs.
    Mathematics Teacher
    Reasoning, Sense Making and Proof
    Develop and strengthen students’ algebraic and geometric reasoning and representations and justification skills while studying patterns in a toothpick task. 
    Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School
    Reasoning, Sense Making and Proof

    Acknowledging disequilibrium and fostering struggle in students while challenging can become part of the learning routine.  Teachers use a first grade teacher’s experiences to develop strategies to embrace struggle in their own classrooms.

    Teaching Children Mathematics
    Teaching and Learning Instruction

     How to help students generalize and transfer procedures and strategies for a particular problem to a more generalized system that can be used to solve other types of problems. 

    Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
    Probability, Data Analysis, and Statistics

    Striking a balance between broad questions encouraging questions. Questioning strategies that encourage and reveal student thinking and discourse are developed with teachers.

    Teaching Children Mathematics
    Reasoning deductively to analyze problem approaches and comparing theoretical and experimental probabilities. Classroom insights on how to allow students more opportunities for personal discovery.
    Mathematics Teacher
    Probability, Data Analysis, and Statistics
    Problem Solving with multiple content-rich tasks to guide the discussion are evaluated. Student solutions focusing on their strategies and potential questions to strengthen student’s problem solving skills are examined.
    Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School
    Problem Solving
    Student Mathematical Discourse reveals how students represent, think, talk, question, agree, and disagree in the classroom. Strategies for increasing student discourse are developed. 
    Mathematics Teacher
    Five types of representations and how they can be used to enhance student learning and understanding of student learning.  Questioning techniques designed to use student interactions and feedback to increase understanding.
    Mathematics Teacher
    Mathematical literacy through the lens of a student reveals student misconceptions due to a lack of connections between mathematical content with real-world situations. 
    Mathematics Teacher
    Teaching and Learning Instruction
    Questioning strategies are developed around students’ use of multiple representations and technology as it relates to algebraic reasoning.
    Teaching Children Mathematics
    How perceptions influence the choice of instructional style used in the classroom, and how the choice of instructional style impacts the students’ learning style.
    Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
    Strengthen the communication of each student within the classroom by promoting mathematical literacy for all students through the discussion of Communication Standards. 
    Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School

    Teachers examine their own understandings of the metric system and reflect on its use in the United States.  Classroom activities built around the strengths of the system are developed.

    Teaching Children Mathematics
    Compare and contrast lessons from two distinct textbooks along with your schools current curriculum using the Curriculum Principle. 
    Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School

    Four technology-enhanced activities to assist teachers in developing students’ understanding and skill. Teachers learn to apply the Technology Principle through graphing with the CBR, an investigation with Geometer’s Sketchpad, data collection with the TI-73, and an exploration of repeating decimals with a standard calculator.

    Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School
    Classes of multiplication problems and their representations provide teachers with tool for better assessing student understanding.  A lesson on problem writing assists teachers in moving the strategy to the classroom. 
    Teaching Children Mathematics
    Number and Operations

    Computation, converting and measuring complexities and difficulties are identified. Connect to current practices and how measurement actions can be integrated with other content strands.

    Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School
    Three NAEP problems stimulate exploration and analysis of the depth of students’ conceptual understanding of geometric properties and measurement. Analysis with partners leads to larger discussion of implementation of the task within the classroom.
    Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School
    Teaching and Learning Instruction
    1 - 20 of 54 results