Brenna Rose Wragge

  • 2015 Prospective Teacher NCTM Annual Conference Attendance Award Recipient

    Brenna Rose Wragge

    attending University of Nebraska-Omaha

    Engaging Students Through Differentiation in Mathematics

    The ways of teaching math are radically changing even from five or ten years ago. As a future mathematics educator, I want to stay up-to-date on the latest strategies. Through this proposal, I want to gain access to the best knowledge on how to teach math to high school students by attending this conference.  Not only will this experience benefit me, but also my future students along with my current and future colleagues. Even now, I collaborate with my fellow pre-service math educators on how to teach certain topics most effectively. I will be able to utilize the information from this conference right away because this is my final year as an undergraduate student. In the fall of 2015, I hope to have my own classroom in an Omaha area high school while pursuing a graduate degree. Attending this conference would benefit me greatly.