Danielle LeAndra Brown

  • 2013 Future Leader Initial NCTM Annual Meeting Attendance Awards Recipient

    Danielle LeAndra Brown

    Colonel Johnston Elementary School, Fort Huachuca, Arizona

    Math Education Makes the World Go 'Round…And I Want to Hang On   

    My desire to be a more effective math educator in my rural Arizona school, which serves children of the Armed Forces, has prompted me to apply for this opportunity. The students I serve come from all over the world and have varying experiences with mathematics, which makes it hard to keep up, even at the kindergarten level. I see firsthand how mathematics education is handled state to state and country to country. As a member of the RtI implementation team I feel secure in discussing the literacy needs of students, but can't say the same about mathematics. This opportunity will allow me to see how RtI and math work together and how I can support the teachers and students I work with. The opportunity to attend this conference will impact students, teachers and the district. The fear of "falling off" is not as prevalent, knowing that this opportunity is available.