
  • Acknowledgment

    Guest editors and reviewers are acknowledged for their work on the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education in 2014.

    At times, manuscripts are submitted that present possible conflicts of interest for the editorial team or for the Editorial Panel. On those occasions, we invite a guest editor (usually a former JRME Editor) to manage the editorial process. Their work helps preserve the integrity and quality of the journal while assuring authors that their manuscripts will be reviewed fairly. The editorial team is grateful to the following individuals who have served as guest editors for manuscripts submitted to the journal in 2014.

    Maria Blanton

    M. Kathleen Heid

    Anderson Norton

    J. Michael Shaughnessy

    Edward Silver

    Steven Williams

    To recognize the scholarship of reviewing, we have identified a select number of reviewers who have produced particularly high-quality reviews. High-quality reviews are essential for the production of a top-tier journal, and the highest quality reviews are those that are useful for both evaluative and educative purposes. They identify critical strengths and weaknesses of manuscripts, provide insightful guidance for improving manuscripts, and communicate in a timely fashion and in an appropriate and professional tone. We appreciate all those who have produced such reviews and have identified reviewers who have produced outstanding reviews for more than one manuscript submitted to JRME during 2014. The JRME Outstanding Reviewers for 2014 are:

    Dan Battey, Rutgers University

    Meixia Ding, Temple University

    R. Scott Eberle, SIM Niger

    Eirini Geraniou, University of London

    Sarah Kate Selling, University of Michigan–Ann Arbor

    We thank the following people who reviewed manuscripts submitted to the journal in 2014. Through their thoughtful, expert critiques, our reviewers contribute not only to the quality of the manuscripts published but also to the development of the profession.

    Wendy Aaron

    Dor Abrahamson

    Jill Adler

    Mara Alagic

    Lillie Albert

    Lara Alcock

    Jehad Alshwaikh

    Rebecca Ambrose

    Ann Anderson

    Robin Angotti

    Fran Arbaugh

    Jonas Arleback

    Francis Atuahene

    John Baker

    David Barker

    Angela Barlow

    Lorraine Baron

    Art Baroody

    Dan Battey

    Joanne Becker

    Sybilla Beckmann

    Robert Berry

    Kim Beswick

    Tauqir Bibi

    Kristen Bieda

    Jessica Bishop

    Glen Blume

    Jack Bookman

    Sid Bourke

    Laine Bradshaw

    Wendy Bray

    Mary Brenner

    Bárbara Brizuela

    Anne Brown

    Tony Brown

    Erika Bullock

    Okan Bulut

    Gail Burrill

    Jo Cady

    Patricia Campbell

    James Carifio

    Marilyn Carlson

    Guadalupe Carmona

    Michele Carney

    Carlos Castillo-Garsow

    Theodore Chao

    Charalambos Charalambous

    Óscar Chávez

    Sum Kwing Cheung

    Chien Chin

    Jeffrey Choppin

    Michelle Cirillo

    McKenzie Clements

    Jessica Cohen

    AnnaMarie Conner

    Liza Cope

    M. Sencer Corlu

    James Cottrill

    Scott Courtney

    Jennifer Cribbs

    Elizabeth Cunningham

    Bronislaw Czarnocha

    Bettina Dahl Soendergaard

    Beatriz D’Ambrosio

    Felicia Darling

    Robert delMas

    Jamie Diamond

    Lara Dick

    Edwin Dickey

    Justin Dimmel

    J. Daya Dindyal

    Meixia Ding

    John Dossey

    Paul Dowling

    Corey Drake

    Paul Drijvers

    Ed Dubinsky

    Tamara DuBois

    Cheryl Eames

    Darrell Earnest

    R. Scott Eberle

    Laurie Edwards

    Amy Ellis

    Jessica Ellis

    Mark Ellis

    Johann Engelbrecht

    Lyn English

    Barbrina Ertle

    Maria Estrella

    Valerie Faulkner

    Barbara Fedock

    Ceneida Fernández

    James Fey

    Nicole Fonger

    Colin Foster

    Brian Frasier

    Eirini Geraniou

    Melissa Gilbert

    Gunnar Gjone

    Danielle Goodwin

    Nuria Gorgorio

    Anna Graeber

    Steven Greenstein

    Randall Groth

    Laura Hamilton

    Lynn Hart

    Shandy Hauk

    Daniel Heck

    Karen Heinz

    Rina Hershkowitz

    Lauren Hickman

    Heather Hill

    Allison Hintz

    Lynn Hodge

    Thomas Hodges

    Ilana Horn

    Rick Hudson

    DeAnn Huinker

    Kara Jackson

    Tiffany Jacobs

    Erik Jacobson

    Kathy Jaqua

    Christopher Jett

    Estrella Johnson

    Heather Johnson

    Keith Jones

    Elana Joram

    Candace Joswick

    Murad Jurdak

    Mindy Kalchman

    Gulseren Karagoz Akar

    Signe Kastberg

    Catherine Kelso

    Henry Kepner

    Thomas Kieren

    Lauren Kieschnick

    Korey Kilburn

    Yeon Kim

    Karen King

    Vince Kirwan

    Richard Kitchen

    Boris Koichu

    Svetlana Konnova

    Clifford Konold

    Vicky Kouba

    Traci Kutaka

    Janeen Lamb

    Jennifer Langer-Osuna

    John Lannin

    Cesar Larriva

    Gilah Leder

    Richard Lehrer

    Stephen Lerman

    Frank Lester

    Frederick Leung

    Katherine Lewis

    Jane-Jane Lo

    Elise Lockwood

    Vena Long

    Carlos Lopez Leiva

    LouAnn Lovin

    Nancy Mack

    Lorraine Males

    Danny Martin

    W. Gary Martin

    Mara Martinez

    Andrea McCloskey

    Sharon McCrone

    Raven McCrory

    Lynn McGarvey

    Vilma Mesa

    Margaret Mohr-Schroeder

    Edward Mooney

    Kevin Moore

    Candia Morgan

    Judit Moschkovich

    Andreas Moutsios-Rentzos

    Tom Munk

    Elena Naftaliev

    Nama Namakshi

    Mitchell Nathan

    Kenny Nguyen

    Francis Norman

    Mike Oehrtman

    Kay O’Halloran

    Yukari Okamoto

    Raimundo Olfos

    Chandra Orrill

    Enrique Ortiz

    Samuel Otten

    Frederick Peck

    Erkki Pehkonen

    Susan Peters

    Erin Pfaff

    Maxine Pfannkuch

    Christine Phelps

    Randy Philipp

    Drew Polly

    Alfred Posamentier

    Cindy Pulley

    Shafia Rahman

    Chris Rasmussen

    Ginger Rhodes

    Teresa Rojano

    Bill Rosenthal

    Amy Roth McDuffie

    Celia Rousseau-Anderson

    Laurie Rubel

    Rheta Rubenstein

    Susan Russell

    Andreas Ryve

    Adalira Saenz-Ludlow

    Elif Safak

    Sarah Kate Selling

    J. Michael Shaughnessy

    Jeffrey Shih

    Jason Silverman

    Victoria Simms

    Adrian Simpson

    Nathalie Sinclair

    Jeppe Skott

    Jack Smith

    Margaret Smith

    Wendy Smith

    Ji Y. Son

    Hortensia Soto-Johnson

    Kaye Stacey

    Stavros Stavrou

    Ana Stephens

    Marilyn Strutchens

    Peter Sullivan

    Kathy Sun

    Larry Suter

    Craig Swinyard

    Paola Sztajn

    Mark Thames

    Mike Thomas

    Denisse Thompson

    Erik Tillema

    Jennifer Tobias

    Aaron Trocki

    Pessia Tsamir

    Ross Turner

    Marianna Tzekaki

    Elizabeth Van Es

    Sarah Van Ingen

    Laura Van Zoest

    Eugenia Vomvoridi-Ivanovic

    Anita Wager

    Joseph Wagner

    Candace Walkington

    Temple Walkowiak

    Jian Wang

    Nicholas Wasserman

    Megan Wawro

    Noreen Webb

    Norman Webb

    Eric Weber

    Aaron Weinberg

    Allan White

    Megan Wickstrom

    Anne Wilhelm

    Regina Williams

    Suzanne Wilson

    Richard Wolfe

    Marcy Wood

    Paul Yu

    William Zahner

    Rose Zbiek

    Steven Ziebarth

    Andrew Zucker