Maggie Mela Hackett

  • 2018-19 Designing Innovative Lessons and Activities for Mathematics Teaching (K–8) Recipient

    Maggie Mela Hackett

    Sunnyside USD, Tucson, Arizona

    20 Days Toward Complex Instruction
    Maggie Mela Hackett, Sunnyside USD, Tucson, Arizona collaborating with Marcy B. Wood, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

    Student participation is a persistent problem during mathematics lessons. We have turned to Complex Instruction (CI) to help us better support student participation. CI offers specific strategies for working on status and participation differences. This grant would enable us to develop a sequence of 20-minute activities that we could implement at the beginning of the year (and revist throughout the year) to support students in learning how to participate with and learn from each other. We will meet for a week during the summer to write activities and during the fall to revise the lessons. We will assess the tasks by collecting data on student learning and feedback on lesson implementation. Our final product will be 20 activities with K-8 grade variations and including lesson introduction, teacher notes, student activities, and wrap-up suggestions. We will pilot and share these activities at local and national conferences.