Robin Lynn Kinman

  • 2010-11 Program of Mathematics Study & Active Professionalism Grants Recipient

    Robin Lynn Kinman

    Forsyth School, St. Louis, Missouri
    Deepening Conceptual Understanding: A Win-Win for My Community & Me

    Previously, I accepted not understanding upper-grade math, relying on formulas and algorithms I didn't fully understand because it wasn't part of my official curriculum. Now I see how my superficial understanding is a disservice to my students. Deepening my content knowledge will enhance my students' learning by enabling me to anticipate questions, to understand the root of misunderstandings, and to ask deep and open questions. The more I understand, the more confident and excited I become. The most powerful part of my education is the effect it has on the school community. Being a resource for my colleagues allows me to help students throughout the school. I hope to establish before school math programs for parents and to mentor teachers. Having a Masters in Mathematics Leadership will prepare me for the diversity of learners I see and help me lead my colleagues toward a deeper conceptual understanding.