Problem to Ponder: December 15, 2011

  • It’s All About Zero  
    How many zeroes occur at the end of the expanded numeral for 1000!?
    How about in general, for n!?

    Some Ponderings: 

    Recall that December’s Problem to Ponder was as follows:

    How many zeroes occur at the end of the expanded numeral for 1000!? How about in general, for n!?

    Zeros at the end of a number are generated by factors of 10. To obtain a factor of 10, we need a 2 and a 5 as factors. Thus, 5! is the smallest factorial number that will have a zero at the end: 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120. We won’t pick up a second zero in a factorial until 10!, and 10! = 10 x 9 x …x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 3628800.

    Factors of 2 abound in factorials, because every other factor is even. So to determine the number of zeros at the end of the expanded number for a factorial number, we need only to count the number of factors of 5 in our factorial number.

    Students may jump to the conclusion that all one has to do is to divide a number by 5, and the integer part of the quotient will yield the number of zeros at the end of that number factorial. For example, they might conjecture that there are 20 zeros at the end of 100!. However, this strategy misses some of the zeros, because 100! has factors that have two factors of 5 in them—for example, 25 = 52, or 50 = 2 x 52. In fact, the expanded numeral for 100! has 24 zeros at the end. For 1000!, not only do we need to take into account the factors of 52 but also the factors of 53, and so forth.

    More ponderings on this problem will appear next month. 


    December Problem to Ponder—More Ponderings 
     It’s All about Zero 

    Recall that December’s Problem to Ponder was as follows:  

    How many zeroes occur at the end of the expanded numeral for 1000!? 
    How about in general, for n!? 

    Last month, we saw that the number of zeros at the end of n! depends on the number factors of 5 that occur in the expansion of n! Powers of 5 will contribute additional factors of 5. For example, 1000! has two hundred factors of 5, forty factors of 52 (25, 50,75, …, 1000), eight factors of 53 (125, 250,375, …, 1000), and one factor of 54 (625). So, in 1000! there are—  

     200 factors of 5 
       40 factors of 25 
         8 factors of 125 
      + 1 factor of 625
     249 total factors of 5 

    Thus, 249 zeros occur at the end of the expansion of 1000!  

    For n!, first find the highest power of 5 that is less than or equal to n. If p is the highest power of 5 so that 5p  n, then the number of zeros at the end of n! will be the sum of  

    INT(n/5j), j = 1, …, p—that is, the sum of the integer parts of all the quotients of n divided by the powers of 5 that are less than or equal to n