Exploring Properties of Triangles and Quadrilaterals

  • 5.3 Exploring Properties of Triangles and Quadrilaterals

    Grade: 3rd to 5th

    This e-example allows students to observe the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals by manipulating the sides, angles, and type.



    Any one shape can be rotated and resized by clicking and dragging one of the vertices.


    • What is alike about all the figures produced by the dynamic rectangle?
    • What is alike about all the figures produced by the dynamic parallelogram?
    • What common characteristics do parallelograms and rectangles share?
    • How do rectangles differ from other parallelograms?
    • Can the dynamic rectangle make all the shapes that the dynamic parallelogram can make?
    • Can the dynamic parallelogram make all the shapes that the dynamic rectangle can make?
    • Describe how to decide if the dynamic rectangle can make a particular shape.
    • Describe how to decide if the dynamic parallelogram can make a particular shape.


    Objectives and Standards

    NCTM Standards and Expectations
    • Geometry / Measurement
    • Understand that by similarity, side ratios in right triangles are properties of the angles in the triangle, leading to definitions of trigonometric ratios for acute angles.
    • 3-5
    • Geometry