Messages from the President

  • Kevin Dykema

    Kevin Dykema

    NCTM President, 2022-2024

    President's Messages

    Messages by Kevin Dykema

  • Building Identity in Classroom Assessments

    May 2024 
    Building a positive mathematical identity should be every educator's goal for every student. When we employ classroom assessments, unfortunately, they often have the opposite effect and leave our students believing they are not capable doers of mathematics.

    The Importance of Data Science
    April 2024
    As data increases and more decisions are being based on data, students must develop a deeper understanding of the methods and ethics associated with collecting, analyzing, visualizing, and communicating data.
    Tricks are NOT for Students!
    March 2024 
    The Butterfly Method. Keep Change Flip and Keep Flip. Change. There’s no doubt you’ve seen or heard these mathematics learning tricks and several others. I’m sure you’ve also heard, “Yours is
    Making Homework Relevant

    February 2024
    Recently, on social media, a mathematics educator was justifiably lamenting the fact that her child was assigned a worksheet with over 60 problems of the same type that were due the next day. Educators frequently complain about how infrequently students complete their homework or that caregivers do their students’ homework. 

    Everyone Belongs in Mathematics

    January 2024
    I often dread taking a taxi or rideshare from the airport to the hotel when I travel because I know that the driver will ask me about my occupation. After I share that I’m a mathematics educator, for the rest of my ride, the driver typically shares their “hate” of math and their feeling of being unsuccessful in that subject.