Tim Kanold

Dr. Timothy D. Kanold is an educator, husband, father, friend, runner, author, presenter and a Past-President of NCSM. A nationally recognized K-12 mathematics education leader from Illinois, he served as the Director of Mathematics and Science and as school district Superintendent at Stevenson HSD 125 in Lincolnshire. His 2017 book HEART: Fully Forming Your Professional Teaching and Leading Life! became a national best-seller and received the Gold Medal Independent Publishers award in New York, for the field of Education in 2018. His current mathematics books include a 2020 K-12 textbook series for Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Into Math and a four book 2019 K-12 mathematics professional development series for Solution Tree, Every Student Can Learn Mathematics. His most recent book, SOUL!: Fulfilling the Promise of Your professional Life was released in 2021. A recipient of NCSM’s Glenn Gilbert/Ross Taylor award, he currently lives in Northern California with his wife Susan and their golden retriever, named Fibonacci. @tkanold on twitter.