
  • About NCTM

    Founded in 1920, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is the world's largest mathematics education organization. Interested in membership? Learn more about exclusive member benefits and discounts and join today.

    As we look forward to NCTM’s second century of leadership, this NCTM 100 timeline reflects on the organization’s contributions and accomplishments, and places them in a broader historical, educational, and mathematical context.

    Mission Statement

    The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics advocates for high-quality mathematics teaching and learning for each and every student.

    Approved by the NCTM Board of Directors

    Strategic Framework

    • Teaching and Learning: NCTM provides guidance and resources for the implementation of research-informed and high-quality teaching that supports the learning of each and every student in equitable environments.
    • Access, Equity and Empowerment: NCTM advances a culture of equity where each and every person has access to high-quality teaching empowered by the opportunities mathematics affords.
    • Building Member Value: NCTM provides community and resources to engage and listen to members in order to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics.
    • Advocacy: NCTM engages in advocacy to focus, raise awareness, and influence decision makers and the public on issues concerning high-quality mathematics teaching and learning.
    Approved by the NCTM Board of Directors