Nominations Information

  • Nominations for the 2025 Board of Directors Election 

    Do you know someone who would bring valuable experience, perspective, and judgment to the NCTM Board of Directors? The Board needs a broad representation of NCTM membership to enrich its discussions, inquiries, and decisions. Help the Nominations and Elections Committee identify talented, energetic individuals who are qualified to assume leadership roles in the Council. Get complete details on the process, procedures, qualifications and responsibilities, and school incentives.

    Open Positions  

    President-Elect: One position is available. A nominee for president-elect must have been a member of the Council continuously during the preceding five years and served on the Board of Directors, as a major committee chair, or in another major leadership role in the Council.

    Board Director: Four (4) Director positions are available. An individual must have been a member of the Council continuously during the preceding three (3) years and must have served on a major committee of the Council, in another leadership role in the Council, or in an Affiliate leadership role. To ensure balanced representation as required by the Bylaws, the 2025 ballot will ask that individual members vote for one candidate for Director at the Middle School level, a Canada Director, and two candidates for Director-at-Large. 

    Nominate Now

    Important Dates  

    • Nominations will be accepted through September 1, 2024.
    • Complete and submit the Online Nomination Form by September 1, 2024. 
    • Qualified nominees will be notified by the Nominations and Elections Committee and provided with an Application Form to be completed by October 4, 2024.
    • Slate of candidates will be announced in late December/early January.
    • Election voting is online only and held in March/April with a minimum 30-day voting period.


    • Nominations for yourself or another qualified NCTM member accepted through September 1, 2024. 
    • Nominees must submit an Application Form by October 4, 2024.


    The Nominations and Elections Committee appreciates your participation in nominating energetic individuals who are qualified to assume leadership roles on the Board of Directors of the Council.

    Jeff Shih, Chair (2024)
    NCTM Nominations & Elections Committee
    [email protected]