NCTM Book Study: Catalyzing Change through Proactive Mathematics Coaching

  • NCTM Book Study: Catalyzing Change Through Proactive Mathematics Coaching


    A leader’s decision-making about their design and delivery of professional learning is a key lever in instructional improvement. It is important to know how your choices [no matter your role] can help transform the culture of teaching and learning mathematics so that all learners have opportunities to engage in rich and relevant mathematics. The Proactive Coaching Framework (PCF) is a tool that guides mathematics coaches’ and leaders’ goal setting in ways that advocate for research-informed practices and facilitate critical conversations and actions that sustain change within schools.

    In this online book study, you will dive deeply into the PCF and examine cases of mathematics leaders who have found practical solutions centered on connections to the four key recommendations from the Catalyzing Change. These recommendations will include broadening the purpose of school mathematics, dismantling structural obstacles, implementing equitable instructional practices, and organizing mathematics in a way that coherently promotes deep conceptual understanding.

    Each session will connect to real-world scenarios where the Proactive Coaching Framework has supported lasting change and is aligned with the recommendations from Catalyzing Change. You will explore cases from diverse coaching roles and settings—from classroom teachers to more formal leadership roles like coaches—to glean valuable insights that inspire and inform your own coaching journey. 

    Each 90-minute session will provide you with examples, tools, and a collaborative space to support critical coaching actions in your setting and will be facilitated by the authors of the book Proactive Mathematics Coaching: Bridging Content, Context, and Practice. 

    A copy of Proactive Mathematics Coaching: Bridging Content, Context, and Practice is required for participation in the book study.

    Learning Objectives

    During these virtual sessions participants will: 

    • Gain insights into what it takes to plan professional learning and/or coaching interactions that advance leadership agendas for long- and short-term goals.
    • lluminate how the use of the Proactive Coaching Framework (PCF) can advance the vision of teaching and learning mathematics advocated for within the Catalyzing Change series.
    • Engage with activities presented in the book such as Calling In/Calling Out (p. 63), and Perspective Taking (p. 183) to consider how these activities could be useful within your coaching context.
    • Participate in discussions (network and collaborate) with peers to share common problems of practice and engage in debriefs that will inform goal setting within your context.



    Session Date and Time

    Session 1: Overview of the Proactive Coaching Framework (PCF) highlighting connections to Catalyzing Change (NCTM, 2018 2020a, 2020b).

    February 29 | 7:30–9:00 PM ET

    Session 2: The Case of Kamala: explores how a high school mathematics teacher worked to interrupt deficit views of students prevalent in her school while also advocating for reframing students as capable doers of mathematics. 

    March 14 | 7:30–9:00 PM ET

    Session 3: The Case of Laila: explores how a school-based mathematics coach worked with a principal to critically examine the school’s reliance on computerized programs to make changes that would increase students’ opportunities to learn mathematics.

    April 4 | 7:30–9:00 PM ET

    Session 4: The Case of Braden, Carys, and Morgan: explores how a team of mathematics supervisors reimagined their district pacing guides to explicitly promote equitable mathematics teaching and learning.

    April 18 | 7:30–9:00 PM ET

    Pricing & Registration  

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      Order the Online Book Study with Book
    Member Type
    Book Study Only
    Total With Book
    Emeritus / Life Member
    Registering for the online book study also gives you access to the on-demand recordings for all sessions, so you can catch up on any live sessions you miss. Final cost, including applicable tax and shipping will be added during checkout.