NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary July 2024
NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary February 2024
NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary December 2023
NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary July 2023
NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary March 2023
NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary November 2022
NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary September 2022
NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary June 2022
NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary February 2022
NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary November 2021
NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary September 2021
NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary July 2021
NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary April 2021
NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary February 2021
NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summaries 2020
NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summaries 2019-2018
July 2024 NCTM Board of Directors Meeting
The NCTM Board of Directors met at NCTM Headquarters in Reston, Virginia on July 18-19, 2024. At its meeting the Board:
- Engaged in strategic discussions about NCTM membership, conferences, and publications.
- Considered future innovation and how to address and integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into the core work of current and future of NCTM products and services.
- Approved the creation of an annual NCTM award recognizing individual teachers.
- Approved the development of a future NCTM publication identifying key mathematics content from PreK through grade 12 and connections through the grades.
- Discussed messaging and the upcoming release of “High School Mathematics Reimagined, Revitalized and Relevant.”
- Approved a narrative statement on NCTM’s core values and beliefs on diversity, equity, inclusion, and access (DEIA).
- Approved a process to develop organizational goals for diversity, equity, inclusion and access (DEIA).
- Accepted the final report from the Mathematics Teacher Educator (MTE) Public Access Task Force.
- Reviewed work in progress on several NCTM position statements.
- Discussed and reflected on the successful joint NCTE-NCTM Conference on Elementary Literacy and Mathematics in New Orleans, June 17-19.
- Discussed how to address emerging issues such as artificial intelligence (AI) and dyscalculia.
- Received interim department reports from NCTM staff on Membership and Marketing, Content and Learning and Professional Services, Publications, Conference Services, and Advocacy.
February 2024 NCTM Board of Directors Meeting
The NCTM Board of Directors met at NCTM Headquarters in Reston, Virginia on February 22-23, 2024. At its meeting the Board:
- Approved the NCTM operating budget for fiscal year 2025.
- Approved a revised charge for the NCTM Research Committee
- Approved the addition of a Virtual Group to the Classroom Resources Committee to assist in the committee’s work of vetting resources and developing Notice and Wonder lesson plans.
- Approved the NCTM Legislative Platform, which outlines the Council’s legislative and policy priorities.
- Received a report on the status of revisions to the manuscript of a publication addressing mathematics education in high school which is planned for publication and release at the 2024 Annual Meeting in Chicago.
- Received an update on the program planning for the joint NCTE-NCTM Conference on Elementary Literacy and Mathematics in New Orleans, June 17-19.
- Reviewed all current NCTM position statements and made decisions whether to retain, revise, or retire them.
- Approved the following new position statements:
- Linking Mathematics Education Research and Practice
- Intersection of Culture and Mathematics
- High School Mathematics and Data Science
- Data Science Joint Position Statement
- Approved the renaming and branding of NCTM regional conferences.
- Discussed developing a program plan to collect and compile a library of classroom video.
- Received and reviewed annual reports from all NCTM standing committees.
- Discussed how to address emerging issues such as artificial intelligence (AI) and dyscalculia.
- Received interim department reports from NCTM staff on Membership and Marketing, Content and Learning and Professional Services, Publications, Conference Services, and Advocacy.
December 2023 NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary
The NCTM Board of Directors met virtually on December 8-9, 2023. At its meeting the Board:
- Received a summary report highlighting findings from the membership survey in preparation for a discussion on strategic planning.
- Accepted the final report from the Research Conference Task Force and discussed recommendations in the report.
- Discussed the importance of research and linking research to practice within the Council.
- Discussed developing a narrative and other communications expanding on the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Value Statement the Board approved in October.
- Received a report on the status of work in progress, the production schedule, and external reviews on the high school project planned for publication and release at the 2024 Annual Meeting in Chicago.
- Considered and approved responses to two resolutions made at the Delegate Assembly at the 2023 Annual Meeting in Washington.
- Discussed accessibility and accommodations at NCTM conferences including advance communication to public and attendees.
- Received an update and report on the program planning for the joint NCTE-NCTM Conference on Elementary Literacy and Mathematics, which will be in New Orleans, June 17-19, 2024.
- Approved a position statement on “Artificial Intelligence in Mathematics Education.”
- Reviewed and discussed the development of additional NCTM position statements in progress.
- Received reports from Board members on work in progress on Affinity Groups, Early Career Leadership, and Speaker Diversity.
- Discussed future work to address early childhood education and multilingual learners.
- Approved a charge to the existing NCTM/SIAM/COMAP Joint Committee on Modeling Across Curriculum.
- Discussed forming a working group to assess the feasibility of hosting a Classroom Video Library.
- Received interim department reports from NCTM staff on Membership and Marketing, Content and Learning, Publications, Conference Services, and Advocacy.
July 2023 NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary
The NCTM Board of Directors met at NCTM Headquarters in Reston, Virginia on July 6-7, 2023. At its meeting the Board:
- Engaged in annual Board strategic planning discussions, including a review of the NCTM Mission Statement and Strategic Framework.
- Reviewed a financial assessment of existing NCTM products and services.
- Approved dates and locations for the NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition in 2027 and 2028 and a Regional Conference in 2025:
- 2027 NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition, Orlando, October 27-30, 2027
- 2028 NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition, Minneapolis, October 11-14, 2028
- NCTM Regional Conference, Kansas City, February 5-7, 2025
- Reviewed and approved a charge for a new Content and Learning Advisory Committee.
- Discussed the current format and program of the Research Conference.
- Received a summary report on the recently conducted membership survey.
- Received a report on the further development of NCTM’s professional services.
- Approved a position statement on “Disrupting ‘High,’ ‘Medium,’ and ‘Low’ in Mathematics Education.”
- Received reports from Board members on work in progress on Affinity Groups, Early Career Leadership, Speaker Diversity, Equitable Instruction Resources, and Family Resources.
- Received interim department reports from NCTM staff on Membership, Marketing, Content and Learning, Publications, and Advocacy.
- Joined NCTM staff for the annual Board-Staff Mixer after a three-year hiatus due to covid.
March 2023 NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary
The NCTM Board of Directors met in Reston Virginia on March 17-18, 2023. At its meeting the Board:
- Approved the NCTM operating budget for fiscal year 2024.
- Received updates on work of Board subgroups addressing Equity Resources, Affinity Groups, and the viability of a “Freemium” model for potential member engagement.
- Received an update on the creation and initial planning of a Content and Learning division, combining existing Conference Services, Publications, and Professional Services departments.
- Reviewed annual reports from all NCTM standing committees and the Mathematics Education Trust.
- Received an update on the ongoing work of an initiative to address content and practice issues in high school mathematics education.
- Reviewed and considered changes to existing charges of NCTM standing committees.
- Considered new proposals to develop leadership in early career teachers, increase diversity among speakers at NCTM conferences, and to collect and offer family engagement resources for math education.
- Approved position statements on the Use of Large-Scale Assessments in Mathematics Education.
- Approved proposals to develop position statements on Data Science and Special Education.
- Discussed developing a position statement on Artificial Intelligence.
- Considered the process and criteria for selecting locations for future NCTM conferences.
- Approved the 2023 NCTM Legislative Platform which reflects and guides the Council’s advocacy priorities and activities.
- Approved proceeding with planning of a joint conference with the National Council of Teachers of English for elementary teachers of English and Language Arts and Mathematics.
- Received an update and report on continuing discussions with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation about issues of mutual interest and possible future projects.
- Received brief update reports from NCTM staff on Professional Services, Conferences, Publications, Membership, Marketing, and Advocacy.
November 2022 NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary
The NCTM Board of Directors met virtually on November 11-12, 2022. At its meeting the Board:
- Approved an NCTM position statement on Procedural Fluency.
- Discussed the development of a new NCTM position statement on linking research and practice.
- Discussed the purpose and use of NCTM position statements.
- Considered three resolutions from the Delegate Assembly at the 2022 Annual Meeting in Los Angeles.
- Discussed new and emerging issues worthy of further consideration by the Board and NCTM.
- Received an orientation and summary of Board member responsibilities and obligations and on nonprofit organization governance from Paula Goedert of Barnes & Thornburg.
- Received a report on the first meeting of the writing group developing the vision for a new initiative addressing mathematics education in high school.
- Discussed the strategic question of what it means for NCTM to be member-centric in the context of guiding future decisions about membership and the development of NCTM products and services.
- Considered a methodology for future assessment of NCTM programs, products, and services.
- Considered updates from Board subgroups on NCTM Policy and Procedures, Equity Resources, Member Engagement, and Leadership Development.
- Received an update and report from NCTM President Kevin Dykema on continuing discussions with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation about issues of mutual interest.
- Received brief update reports from NCTM staff.
September 2022 NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary
The NCTM Board of Directors met in Los Angeles before the NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition on September 27. At its meeting the Board:
- Accepted and considered the final report of the Advocacy Task Force and agreed to dissolve the task force with thanks.
- Approved a position statement on Mathematics in Early Childhood Learning.
- Discussed the development of new NCTM position statements addressing equity, diversity, and inclusion.
- Discussed and approved revisions and clarifications for the criteria for the NCTM Lifetime Achievement Award, which is selected annually by the Mathematics Education Trust (MET) Board of Trustees.
- Discussed current requirements for candidates for the Board of Directors and the work of the Nominations and Elections Committee.
- Discussed the need for a comprehensive review and updating of the NCTM Board Policy Handbook and NCTM Procedures Manual.
- Considered a report from the Conference Advisory Group, the scheduling of future NCTM conferences, and the renaming and rebranding of NCTM Regional Conferences.
- Elected the Executive Committee of the Board for 2022-2023.
June 2022 NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary
The NCTM Board of Directors met at NCTM Headquarters in Reston, Virginia on June 11-12. At its meeting the Board:
- Engaged in professionally facilitated strategic planning over two days to develop a future strategic direction for NCTM.
- Approved a joint position statement with the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) on Calculus.
- Approved an NCTM position statement on Transforming Practices and Policies So That Multilingual Learners Thrive in Mathematics.
- Discussed developing future NCTM position statements on issues related to equity, technology, procedural fluency, and assessments.
- Approved a budget for the first meeting of a task force on high school mathematics education.
- Met with leadership of We-Collab about engaging in an initiative to advance NCTM’s organizational commitment to equity.
- Discussed a draft social media policy for Board members.
- Received a report from Mathematics Education Trust (MET) Chair Laurie Boswell about the work of MET and their outreach.
- Considered a report from the Conference Advisory Group and discussed the scheduling of future NCTM conferences.
- Approved appointments made to NCTM standing committees for 2022-2023.
- Granted NCTM Affiliation to Bowling Green State University Math Camp (BGSU Math Camp).
February 2022 NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary
The NCTM Board of Directors met at NCTM Headquarters in Reston, Virginia on February 25-26. At is meeting the Board:
- Approved an operating budget of $10,239,880 for fiscal year 2023.
- Received a report from the Budget and Finance Committee on the annual audit conducted by RSM and the annual report on NCTM investments from Merrill Lynch.
- Discussed and considered the need for a framework for standards for high school mathematics education.
- Approved the NCTM Legislative Priorities for 2022, which guide the Council’s government relations and advocacy work.
- Approved a revised NCTM position statement on Elementary Math Specialists.
- Reviewed a revised NCTM position statement on assessments, which will be revised further based on Board discussion.
- Reviewed and discussed revisions to other NCTM position statements.
- Endorsed the statement of the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Mathematical Sciences.
- Discussed the future role of NCTM participation in teacher education program review.
- Discussed the scheduling of future annual NCTM virtual conferences.
- Passed a motion to develop and present an equity webinar series to be presented on leveraging the mathematical brilliance of students.
- Passed a motion to develop talking points and short videos addressing equitable mathematics teaching.
- Reviewed and discussed annual reports from NCTM standing committees.
- Discussed annual strategic planning at the summer Board of Directors meeting.
- Reviewed NCTM Conflict of Interest policy.
- Received department reports from NCTM staff on membership and marketing, publications, conference services, and professional services.
November 2021 NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary
At its virtual meeting on November 12-13, the NCTM Board of Directors:
- Approved the selection of Denver as the site for the 2026 NCTM Annual Meeting and Exposition, October 26-31, 2026.
- Approved changing the dates of the 2022 Research Conference to be Wednesday and Thursday, September 28-29, 2022, in Los Angeles.
- Discussed the future timing of having one Annual Meeting, one regional conference and one virtual conference in each year.
- Approved the Membership and Affiliate Relations Committee’s recommendation to grant NCTM Affiliation to the Brigham Young University-Idaho Mathematics Education Association.
- Engaged in a discussion in response to a presentation on “The Case for Modernizing Math” based on research findings prepared by Global Strategy Group and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
- Received a presentation from Della Cronin of Bose Washington Partners with an overview of legislative and education policy issues in Washington and their connection to NCTM’s ongoing advocacy work.
- Received an update on the bundling of existing NCTM products and services and targeted marketing to schools and districts seeking Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds.
- Received an update on plans for the upcoming NCTM Virtual Conference, November 17-20.
- Discussed NCTM’s future role in teacher preparation and the certification of teacher preparation programs through the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).
- Discussed its ongoing work on social justice and plans to engage the wider community.
- Reviewed three revised position statements and discussed three position statements in need of further revisions
- Received a quarterly financial report and department reports from NCTM staff on membership and marketing, publications, conference services, and professional services.
September 2021 NCTM Board of Directors Meeting
The NCTM Board of Directors met virtually on September 21, 2021.
- The Board received a financial update from Budget and Finance Committee chair Jeff Shih.
- The Board approved the selection of Seattle for an NCTM Regional Conference February 7-9, 2024, and Atlanta for the NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition, October 15-18, 2025:
- The Board reviewed its strategic planning from the June-July Board meeting and discussed plans presented by staff for ways to support teachers seeking ESSER funding.
- The Board reviewed and discussed the current NCTM Mission Statement as a committee of the whole and also in small groups. The Mission Statement was not changed.
- The Board received a report on plans for the Fall Virtual Conference, November 17-20 and how content from the Annual Meeting in Atlanta, which was cancelled, would be incorporated into the Virtual Conference program.
- The Board discussed NCTM’s advocacy presence in state level policy debates.
- The Board reviewed plans for a page on the NCTM website on Culturally Responsive Pedagogy that would include a collection of published resources.
- The Board discussed ways to honor Robert Moses posthumously for his influence on mathematics education through the Algebra Project and his lifelong commitment to civil rights.
- The Board approved a motion stating that a Delegate Assembly and Regional Caucuses will be held with all in-person NCTM Annual Meetings. In the event that an in-person NCTM Annual Meeting is cancelled, the Delegate Assembly will also be cancelled.
- The Board considered recommendations from the Social Justice Steering Committee for a future focus of the Board’s continuing work on social justice
- The Board received department reports from NCTM staff on membership and marketing, publications, conference services, professional services, and advocacy.
July 2021 NCTM Board of Directors Meeting
At its virtual meetings on June 17 and July 1, 2021 the NCTM Board of Directors:
- The Board convened as planned on Friday, June 18, and immediately adjourned in observance of Juneteenth, which had been signed into law as a federal holiday by President Biden the previous day. The second day of the Board meeting was rescheduled for July 1.
- The Board engaged in strategic planning on both days of the meeting. The planning focused initially on analyzing results from a SWOT analysis and visioning questions distributed before the meeting. Results framed the Board’s assessment of existing programs and goal setting for new initiatives.
- The Board approved site selection for the 2029 NCTM Annual Meeting in Boston and an NCTM regional conference in Seattle in 2024.
- The Board discussed program content for the virtual elements of the 2021 Annual Meeting and Exposition in Atlanta in September.
- The Board discussed the connections with NCTM’s ongoing work in relation to the public discourse about critical race theory.
- The Board discussed the ongoing public debate about the proposed California Mathematics Curriculum Framework.
- The Board approved standing committee appointments for terms to begin on October 1, 2021.
- The Board received reports on the following:
- Professional services reported on contracts for NCTM to provide professional services in New York City, Fulton County Georgia and Lexington, Kentucky.
- Continuing work on adapting NCTM products and services that can be used for those obtaining Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds.
- Continuing work on adapting NCTM products and services that can be used for those obtaining Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds.
- The Board received department reports from NCTM staff on membership and marketing, publications, conference services, professional services, and advocacy.
April 2021 NCTM Board of Directors Meeting
At its virtual meeting April 19, 2021 the NCTM Board of Directors:
- Based on the recommendations from the Conference Advisory Group decided to hold the 2024 NCTM Annual Meeting and Exposition in Chicago.
- Approved a decision-making process for making NCTM public statements on significant current events.
- Discussed a report on possible ways to support classroom teachers to attend and make presentations at NCTM conferences.
- Received a report on the April 12 briefing on “Understanding and Reframing ‘Learning Loss’ in Mathematics: Goals, Policies, and Practices for Strengths-Oriented and Equitable Solutions” planned with NCSM and ASSM.
- Received an update on a pilot program for NCTM partnerships with districts.
- Approved a template for future NCTM position statements.
- Discussed a structure and plan for future series of Board of Directors discussions about social justice and on diversity, equity and inclusion issues.
- Discussed the current process for making annual volunteer appointments to NCTM committees and joint committees.
- Discussed plans and preparation for the June Board of Directors meeting focused on strategic and long-range planning.
- Approved changing the date of the September Board of Directors meeting to September 21, 2021.
- Received financial update and updates and reports on Membership and Marketing, Professional Services, Publications, and Advocacy.
NCTM Board of Directors Meeting Summary February 2021
At its virtual meeting February 8-10, 2021 the NCTM Board of Directors:
- Approved a balanced operating budget for fiscal year 2022.
- Discussed and determined a decision-making process for making NCTM public statements on significant current events.
- Discussed its ongoing commitment to scheduling future separate convenings of the full Board to continue discussions on social justice.
- Discussed recommendations from the Conference Advisory Group regarding future NCTM conferences, taking into account the success of recent virtual conferences, and considered the possibilities and implications of planning virtual, hybrid, and in-person conferences in the future.
- Approved presenting an NCTM Virtual Conference in Spring 2023, to go along with an in-person regional conference in Baltimore and the NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition in Los Angeles in 2022.
- Decided to offer the 2021 NCTM Leadership Conference as a virtual event and directed the Membership and Affiliate Relations Committee to transform the Leadership Conference from an annual in-person event to an ongoing virtual program.
- Approved rescheduling the annual NCTM Research Conference to be virtual for 2021 rather than immediately preceding the NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition in Atlanta.
- Discussed changes to NCTM’s relationship with the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and directed staff to develop and implement plans for moving forward.
- Discussed plans for a special convening of teachers, stakeholders, and outside experts to address the unmet learning that has resulted from the changes to education owing to the pandemic.
- Met with Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12 Editor-in-Chief Angela Barlow, who reported on the state of the journal after its first year of publication and shared plans for the future.
- Considered how to incorporate the 2006 publication Curriculum Focal Points for
Prekindergarten through Grade 8: A Quest for Coherence into future professional development and membership offerings.
- Approved the NCTM Legislative Platform for 2021-22.
- Approved the University of Central Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics as an Affiliate of NCTM.
- Received a report on plans related to a new pilot initiative to offer district and state partnerships that would bundle NCTM professional services, publications, and membership.
- Reviewed annual reports from all NCTM standing committees and joint committees.
- Continued to review NCTM position statements, assessing what statements should be revised, rewritten, or retired.
- Received updates and reports on Membership and Marketing, Professional Services, Publications, Advocacy, and the Mathematics Education Trust.