Lorraine Howard

National Human Rights Commission Line.

Lorraine currently serves as President of Women and Mathematics Education (WME), a Partner Affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Lorraine Howard is a passion-driven 21st century mathematics educator, instructional coach and national/international speaker/expert on Project-Based and Personalized Learning with over 25 years’ experience in K-12 and higher education teaching and administration. Lorraine comes to the secondary/post-secondary level of public education from investment management and financial planning experiences on Wall Street and as Division Controller at Columbia University in New York City where she oversaw a 30 - member financial and accounting staff in managing the university’s billion-dollar government and corporate research portfolio. She has served as Assistant and Associate Professors of Finance and Mathematics Education at Temple University, Drexel University and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. As an entrepreneur, she founded Howard Investment Advisor, Inc. and the Institute of Financial Education, teaching and training hundreds of clients in the areas of financial planning and investment strategies. She shares that she enjoys guiding and facilitating change so all stakeholders are committed to a shared vision around needed 21st century, transformative mathematics, financial and investment management teaching and learning. Lorraine received her BA in mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania, where she also earned her MBA in Finance with Ph.D. work from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.

Lorraine Howard.

Founder Human Right

Jul 16, 2020 07:07 PM EDT

High Impact Strategies for Sustaining Girls’ Academic Interest and Career Pursuits in Mathematics (General Interest)

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