Cheryl Tobey

National Human Rights Commission Line.

Cheryl Tobey has co-authored 12 published Corwin resources, including two volumes of the Mathematics Formative Assessment: Practical Strategies for Linking Assessment, Instruction, and Learning series, and seven books in the Uncovering Student Thinking series. Along with 10 years as a classroom educator, Cheryl has extensive experience coaching teachers, using mathematics formative assessment techniques to better understand student learning and supporting teachers as they support the learning of all students in mathematics. In her roles at Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance (MMSA), Education Development Center (EDC) and Maine State Department of Education, Tobey has served as the project manager or mathematics lead for multiple long-term grant-funded research projects. 

Cheryl Tobey.

Founder Human Right

May 19, 2022 07:07 PM EDT

Math is...Student Centered! (Sponsored by McGraw Hill)

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