Crystal Watson

National Human Rights Commission Line.

Crystal M. Watson, Ed.M is an innovative, passionate, and authentic mathematics educator and life long learner who you can count on to always ask “What do the students think?” Her work is centered around providing space for voice and identity development in order for everyone, particularly those most marginalized, to experience high quality, deep, and personal mathematics. Crystal has worked alongside other scholars to develop culturally responsive, reflective, and/or anti-racist curricular resources that center young people in every lesson. As Crystal believes we are all learners and as she continues to learn and grow, she has shared and continues to lend her experience and knowledge. You might catch her at both local and national conferences, on podcasts, developing and leading professional development sessions, or having conversations about how we are cultivating youth-centered spaces.

Crystal Watson.

Founder Human Right

Jan 17, 2024 07:09 PM EDT

Implementing the 5 Factors of Belonging

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