Mathematicians: Reflecting the Brilliance of Powerful Minds
Presented by
Christa Jackson
When we say mathematician, who comes to mind? Pythagoras? Euclid? Gauss? Although these are great mathematicians, they are all White men and ones we traditionally discuss in our mathematics classroom. In this session, we broaden our scope of mathematicians, share the impact and influence of their mathematical contributions, and discuss ways to include them in our mathematical instruction—reflecting the mathematical brilliance of students in our classroom.
Join us for the <i>MTLT Journal</i> Club’s July 5 meeting, from 7:00–8:00 p.m. Eastern. Join <a href="">Lawrence M. Lesser</a> as he discusses his legacy article, "Sound Off! Staring Down Stereotypes," from the <a href="">April 2014 issue of Mathematics Teacher (Vol. 107, Issue 8)</a>. A 2-minute introduction to the article is at <a href=""></a>. NCTM members and nonmembers are welcome. Registration is required.