Cathy Marks Krpan

National Human Rights Commission Line.

A former classroom teacher and district education consultant, Dr. Cathy Marks Krpan is a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education where she teaches mathematics education courses in the graduate program. An award-winning educator and author, Cathy has written many publications including The Write Math, Math Expressions and Math Readers. Her current publication, Teaching Math with Meaning (2018) is available through Pearson Education Canada. She has worked with educators, district leaders and parents across North America, Asia, and Europe on effective teaching strategies in mathematics. Cathy is interested in how to ensure that all diverse learners in mathematics experience success. Her research focuses on how to support struggling learners and enhance the development of student communication and problem-solving skills in mathematics. She enjoys facilitating research in classrooms and learning alongside teachers and students. Cathy is currently an editor for the NCTM Journal Teaching Children Mathematics.

Cathy Marks Krpan.

Founder Human Right

Apr 21, 2020 07:07 PM EDT

Math + Language Teaching Strategies = Success!

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