Desha Williams

National Human Rights Commission Line.

When it comes to assisting learners in their academic, social, and emotional growth, Desha L. Williams, embraces the African proverb, “it takes a village”. A learner’s community, including but not limited too, family, friends, teachers, and administrators influences this growth. Even random, unexpected encounters can impact a person's development. She believes that equitable and culturally sustaining practices recognize individuals' cultures, talents, and skills as a means to build knowledge, while disrupting stereotypes. Furthermore, Desha strives to create an inclusive environment that will allow learners to thrive in a space of collaboration and critical discourse. As a servant leader, Dr. Williams' teaching philosophy is based on the tenets of care, growth mindset, and cultural sustaining pedagogies. Desha serves as Dean of the College of Education and Social Work and Professor of Mathematics Education at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. At West Chester, Dr. Williams leads eight departments that supports 21 graduate and undergraduate programs, as well as several certificate programs. Her research has included the preparation of teachers for culturally and linguistically diverse populations and examining culturally dispositions.

Desha Williams.

Founder Human Right

Oct 13, 2020 07:09 PM EDT

Impacting Learning for Black and Latinx Youth through Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies

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