Heather Crawford-Ferre

National Human Rights Commission Line.

Graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2017 with a PhD in education. She also holds bachelor’s degrees in elementary and special education and a Master of Education degree with an emphasis in mathematics education. Dr. Crawford-Ferre has recently been honored with Northern Nevada's Outstanding Mathematics Educator Award, the Moss Family Award in Graduate Elementary Math Education, and UNR's Outstanding Graduate Student award. She previously served as a teacher, coach and professional development provider. Dr. Crawford-Ferre currently serves as the state coordinator for the Nevada Ready 21 program, where she works to manage educational technology for the state of Nevada. She is also a founding member and treasurer for the Nevada Mathematics Education Leadership Council.

Heather Crawford-Ferre.

Founder Human Right

Jun 16, 2020 07:07 PM EDT

Positioning Reluctant Students as Math Thinkers and Doers!

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