The Power of Voice: How to Empower and Engage Students (and Still Meet Our Goals!)
Presented by
Joleigh Honey and Dewey Gottlieb
Webinar description: Join us to discuss essential components that utilize student thinking in class discussions that affirm mathematics learners' identities. Student voice provides rich data, allows for engagement, empowers learners, and positions students to own the mathematics.
Webinar description: Every profession benefits from the shared knowledge of its practitioners. Who better to contribute to professional development than classroom teachers themselves? What do you want to share? Are there things your students are doing that you are proud of? What is something you have tried that was successful with your students? What’s keeping you from sharing your ideas? We are here to help you learn about the proposal process, give tips on how to write a high-quality proposal and to give a successful presentation, and be an active contributor to NCTM’s conferences!