MTLT Journal Club Meeting
Join us for the MTLT Journal Club’s April 5 meeting, from 7:00–8:00 p.m. Eastern. MTLT Department Editor Lou Matthews will facilitate a discussion on Diane Torres-Valásquez and Gilberto Lobo’s legacy article, “Research, Reflection, and Practice: Culturally Responsive Mathematics Teaching and English Language Learners,” from the October 2008 issue of Teaching Children Mathematics.
NCTM members and nonmembers are welcome. Registration is required.
A certificate of participation will not be provided for this event.
The COVID pandemic only amplified existing mathematics inequities in our schools that did harm to the children of Black, Brown, Indigenous, and working-class parents. We have an opportunity to do a radical reset that can transform the spaces in which we teach and learn mathematics. We actually know what works and what needs to change. Yet we continue to find ways to repackage processes that rank, sort, and segregate children. The question is, what will it take for us to collectively dismantle the racist systems, beliefs, and practices in order to cultivate math joy and curiosity in our classrooms?