Past Recordings

Sense Making: Is It at the Core of Your Classroom?(Sponsored by McGraw Hill)

Presented by: Annie Fetter,

Are your students making sense of the mathematics they explore? Do they feel that mathematics is an inherently sensible endeavor? We’ll look at ways in which students don’t make sense of mathematics, consider why, and discuss strategies for making it a larger part of the expectations in your classroom.
McGraw Hill and Reveal Math

MTLT Journal Club Meeting

Presented by: Wendy Cleaves, Gina M. Borgioli Yoder,

Join us for the MTLT Journal Club’s March 1 meeting, from 7:00–8:00 p.m. Eastern. MTLT Department Editor Wendy Cleaves will facilitate a discussion on Gina M. Borgioli Yoder’s legacy article, “Equity for English Language Learners in Mathematics Classrooms,” from the October 2008 issue of Teaching Children Mathematics. Dr. Yoder has provided an introductory video here.

NCTM members and nonmembers are welcome. Registration is required.

The programs of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics present a variety of viewpoints. The content and views expressed or implied in these presentations should not be interpreted as official positions of the Council. References to particular commercial products by a speaker are not an NCTM endorsement of said product(s) and should not be construed as such. Any use of e-mail addresses beyond personal correspondence is not authorized by NCTM.