Focus on Mathematics Teaching and Learning

NCTM Support for Your ESSER Funding

ESSER Carousel Slide

The U.S. Congress has allocated $190 billon in funding for schools through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. There is a significant portion of these funds that have been designated for addressing and responding to the impacts on student learning influenced by COVID. NCTM school and district product bundles can help schools and districts guide their teachers to the best teaching and learning solutions for students. Each bundle aligns with ESSER funding guidelines and is augmented with one year of NCTM essential membership access including all NCTM online webinars and classroom resources. 

How Districts Can Use ESSER Funds

Any activity supported by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act can use ESSER funds, including:

  • Assessment and Engagement
  • Instructional Materials
  • Professional Development

States are responsible for dispersing funds to schools. Please review your state’s plan for processes and timelines.   

The COVID legislation unfortunately uses the term "learning loss;" however, NCTM uses the term "unfinished learning" as outlined in the guidance document Continuing the Journey: Mathematics Learning 2021 and Beyond

About NCTM

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is the public voice of mathematics education, and a professional membership association supporting teachers to ensure equitable mathematics learning of the highest quality for all students through vision, leadership, professional development, and research. Learn more about our mission, strategic framework and vision for all students.