Past Recordings

More Ideas from the Classroom on Using Children’s Literature to Make Real-World Mathematics Connections (Open to All)

Presented by: Latrenda Knighten, Trena Wilkerson,

In this interactive session, we will share more strategies and activities to incorporate children’s literature in mathematics. This session builds on the November webinar that featured award-winning literature from the Mathical series. The presenters and teachers from the field will share ways they have used these books and others in their classrooms to support students in problem solving, problem posing, and connecting to their life situations to help make sense of their world. The purpose of the Mathical Book Prize, awarded by the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, is to inspire a love of mathematics in the everyday world of children. 

Teaching Math at a Distance: An Interactive Webinar with the Author

Presented by: Theresa Wills,

Theresa Wills, author of Teaching Math at a Distance, Grades K–12: A Practical Guide to Rich Remote Instruction, will engage you in an interactive webinar. You will learn how to transition your favorite face-to-face activities into the online environment while maintaining collaborative, interactive, and student-let pedagogies. Get a preview of her new book and sample activities before the webinar at

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