Past Recordings

It All Starts with Noticing and Wondering

Presented by: Annie Fetter,

Want to help students generate ideas and make connections among them, facilitate the development of a range of problem-solving strategies, and support a classroom culture that gives every student a way to contribute, while treating math as a creative process? We’ll talk about how Noticing and Wondering can contribute to all of that . . . and more.

3-Act Tasks: Filling the Void of Mathematical Modeling in the Elementary Grades

Presented by: Graham Fletcher,

As elementary educators, we’ve misinterpreted the term model as simply the use of manipulatives. This is causing our students to miss the mark when it comes to modeling with mathematics. Through the use of 3-Act tasks, we’ll explore what mathematical modeling is, what it looks like, and how we can support this work in our elementary classrooms.

Mathematically Productive Instructional Routines and Planning for Equity

Presented by: Aaron Rumack,

Routinely using a 5- to 15-minute learning activity can create a structure for teachers and students to engage together in mathematics. This positions students at the center of sense making in the classroom. We’ll use two such routines, Notice and Wonder and 10-Minute Talks, to explore Stembridge’s five questions for planning with equity in mind. 

We Notice and Wonder What? Using Notice and Wonder as a Tool for Critical Reflection and Engagement

Presented by: Naomi Jessup,

Notice and Wonder is designed for students' broad engagement in mathematical ideas. When coupled with antideficit and justice-oriented frameworks, Notice and Wonder can serve as a tool for teacher reflection and student engagement aligned with equity-oriented practices. This session will expand the utility of this tool for teachers and students.

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