Debbie J. Short

  • 2010-11 Pre-K-6 Classroom Research Grants Recipient

    Debbie J. Short

    Jeffery Elementary School, Kenosha, Wisconsin
    Creating a Classroom of Future Problem Solvers with the Touch of the Promethean World
    Debbie J. Short collaborating  with Prisca R. Moore, Carthage College, Kenosha, Wisconsin

    The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of a technology-enhanced math problem-solving program and the impact of the technology tools on instruction and the learning environment. We will focus on examining the knowledge, skills and attitudes of 5th grade students. College faculty and classroom teachers will collaborate to develop problem solving teaching resources utilizing the format and methods of Hot Math, the research-based mathematical problem solving program. The teaching of problem solving strategies will be enhanced by the use of the Promethean interactive white board and ActivExpressions, handheld learner response systems, to increase student engagement and to facilitate students' understanding by incorporating interactive math applets and other teaching online resources. We will then expand the Hot Math model by engaging the students in creating videos in which they will be posing their own versions of the problem and demonstrating the solutions to their problems.