The Year Game

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    For many years mathematicians, scientists, engineers and others interested in mathematics have played "year games" via e-mail and online. We don't always know whether it is possible to write expressions for all the numbers from 1 to 100 using only the digits in the current year, but it is fun to try to see how many you can find. This year may prove to be a challenge.

    As with many games, the rules for the Year Game can vary slightly. Teachers may wish to use different rules in their own classrooms. This game is geared for students in grades three through twelve with a general knowledge of mathematics.

    Our rules: use the digits in the year 2025 and the operations +, −, x, ÷, ^ (raised to a power), sqrt (square root), and ! (factorial), along with grouping symbols, to write expressions for the counting numbers 1 through 100. Please read and follow the rules carefully.

    See how many answers your students can find! Teachers may print out activity sheets for students to record their findings or may print sheets of manipulatives for students to use. 

    Want to work with a team? Teachers, crowdsource solutions on the MyNCTM community.