Riverton Elementary School

  • 2018-19 Teacher-Leader Professional Learning Grant (Pre-K-12) Recipient

    Riverton Elementary School

    Huntsville, Alabama

    OGAP Additive Reasoning Professional Development 

    Riverton Elementary School in Huntsville, Alabama is seeking funding to provide effective professional development for our K-2 mathematics teachers with the Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP) Additive Reasoning training. There is a great need for ongoing training in the area of formative assessments, and OGAP provides this needed training. The latest data (Spring of 2017) proves this need as 28% of our third grade students were not proficient in mathematical content. Through the OGAP training, teachers will increase their mathematical content knowledge and gain the understanding of how to best use formative assessments to drive their instruction. They will learn how to examine student work to find common errors, discover preconceptions and misconceptions that interfere with student learning, and how to move forward with instruction. With the funds from this grant, we will be able to positively affect the learning of students in the Riverton community.