
  • TCM Blog: Math Tasks to Talk About

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  • Transforming the Culture of Math: Developing Students as Powerful Mathematical Thinkers

    Jancey Clark concludes her series on transforming the math class environment.

    Transforming the Culture of Math: Routines for Making Thinking Visible

    Jancey Clark shares her mathematical transformation and then challenges other teachers to build their own math confidence, which will empower them to create a classroom environment rich in student mathematical thinking.

    Transforming the Culture of Math

    Jancey Clark shares her mathematical transformation and then challenges other teachers to build their own math confidence, which will empower them to create a classroom environment rich in student mathematical thinking.

    Using Data Stories to Reflect on the Learning, Part 2

    Jordan Benedict challenges readers to make use of data to tell the story of student learning during the course of the school year.

    Using Data Stories to Reflect on the Learning: Part 1
    Jordan Benedict challenges readers to make use of data to tell the story of student learning during the course of the school year.
    Our Students and Their Mathematical Ideas

    In this blog post, Zachary Champagne discusses his fundamental belief that every student who walks into our classrooms has important mathematical ideas.

    Mathematics Learning Goals Serve as a Guide

    In this follow-up post, Victoria Bill and Laurie Speranzo share how writing mathematical learning goals have helped them make student math talk more productive.


    Using Talk to Make Sense of Mathematics
    Encouraging students to talk about mathematics opens opportunities for teachers to learn about their students’ thinking and mathematical reasoning.
    Sometimes, We Need to Give Them Less

    In this blog post, Zachary Champagne challenges teachers to consider whether our efforts to “be helpful” actually impede students stretching their ability to reason mathematically and make sense of problems.

    How Might Our Beliefs Impact Our Identity as Mathematics Educators? Part 2

    In this two-part series, the authors explore whether we base our instructional practices on what we believe as professional mathematics educators or we simply perpetuate practices that we experienced as students.

    How Might Our Beliefs Impact Our Identity as Mathematics Educators? Part 1
    In this two-part series, the authors explore whether we base our instructional practices on what we believe as professional mathematics educators or we simply perpetuate practices that we experienced as students.
    Analyzing and Designing Story Problems That Matter

    Carefully selecting or creating problems posed to students is an important responsibility because they can influence students’ experiences with mathematics. 

    Number Choice Matters
    This is the third and final blog post in a series that examines various characteristics of word problems.
    Sex, Lies, and Word Problems
    In the previous post, we explored the pros and cons of using food as a context in school mathematics word problems. In this post, we will explore what sex, sexuality, and gender have to do with mathematics teaching and learning.
    Consider the Context
    This is the first in a new series of blog posts. The focus of the series is on analyzing and designing tasks as well as rich problem-solving contexts that are valuable for our students.
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