Puzzling Relationships
Grades: PreK to 2nd Periods: 2 Author: Carol Midgett
Display the Tangram Puzzle Activity Sheet for the whole class to see and ensure that each student has access to the activity sheet and tangrams (cardstock is recommended).
Tangram Puzzle Activity Sheet
Model how to fill the puzzles with the tangram pieces. For example, the Tangram School can be filled as shown below.
Discuss how it is necessary to turn over, rotate, or slide pieces to complete a puzzle by attending to precise vocabulary.
Have the students work in pairs to complete the tangram puzzles. Encourage them to discuss with each other what needs to be done to fit the pieces to match the outline of the puzzle. (This exercise focuses students' attention on the transformations required to make pieces fit. A turnover, rotation, or slide of pieces may be necessary to complete the puzzle.) This discourse facilitates students' problem solving and reasoning about the process. It connects actions with vocabulary and assists the students in relating what happens with concrete and virtual tools.
As a wrap up activity, pairs of students can share their work (what was most difficult, what feature they used the most, how long it took them, etc.).
Assessment Options
The students who find it easy to complete the puzzles could create new ones for the class to solve.
Questions for Students
[Answers will vary.]
Teacher Reflection
Students will:
9th to 12th
Pre K to 2nd