Choose Length, Area, Region, or Set on the bottom right to show different representations of the fractions. Set also lets you choose from four different objects.
How to Use
- Adjust the value of the numerator and denominator by: moving the slider, using the + or – on either side of the sliders, or entering the values directly in the boxes.
- Change the possible denominator values using the Narrow Range, Limited, and Wide Range tabs at the top.
- You can also change values on the model. Click on sections to add or remove them or use or click + or – at the bottom of the model space to add or remove whole units.
Note: The squares button at the bottom left of the model space shows or hides
the sections. To add or remove sections, they must be shown.
- Record fractions to the table using the + button above the
table. Click individual entries to bring up the model in the model
space. Move entries by selecting them and clicking below in the empty
table space. Delete entries using the – button above the table. Delete all entries using the × button.
- On the upper right hand corner of the interactive, students can choose to save their work as a PNG, or print it.