Anna Feil

  • 2016 Prospective Teacher NCTM Annual Conference Attendance Award Recipient

    Anna Feil

    attending George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia

    Searching for New Ways to Support All Learners of Mathematics

    I am applying for the 2016 NCTM Annual Conference Attendance Award because of a close connection between my interest in equity-oriented approaches to teaching mathematics and the theme of this year's conference: Building a Bridge to Student Success. I am hoping to meet other math teachers  who are successful in ensuring equitable opportunities for all of their students. I would like to hear from them about how they balance social status issues in their mathematics classrooms and how they support the learning of all children on multiple levels--mathematical, linguistic, and social. It is my desire to broaden my knowledge about facilitating mathematical discourse in diverse classroom environments in order to support ELLs as they simultaneously learn math content and improve their language proficiency. I would love to participate in various workshops to explore, discuss, and bring new ideas about supporting all students in learning mathematics back to my school.