New America School

  • 2010-11 School In-Service Training Grants (9-12) Recipient

    New America School

    Lakewood, Colorado
    The New America School Mathematics Faculty Learning Laboratory

    The New America School (NAS) will implement a "Mathematics Faculty Learning Laboratory" professional development initiative during which the entire NAS math faculty will observe model teachers, adapt and implement the teaching methodologies they observed, receive classroom coaching, and then share the lessons they learned with their peers. The project goals are to:
    •Augment the academic growth of at-risk students in the area of Mathematics (and thus increase the likelihood of student post-secondary success);
    •Ensure that NAS math teachers possess the knowledge and skills needed to competently deliver the most recent, research-based pedagogical techniques proven to further the academic achievement of English Language Learners; and
    •Build a school climate that values professional growth and promotes commitment to the school by creating a professional development program that allows teachers to learn and benefit from each others' skills and strengths.