NCTM Program Review Service Ending Following the Spring 2024 Cycle
Following the completion of the Spring 2024 cycle the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) will cease to offer the service of program review for licensure, certification, and/or endorsement of Secondary and Middle Level Mathematics teacher education programs and Elementary Mathematics Specialist advanced programs. New submission will be accepted for the Fall 2023 cycle. Only Revised and Response to Conditions reports will be reviewed in Spring 2024. NCTM will not review SPA Reports in the Fall 2024.
Read the full statement.
NCTM program report development training based on the NCTM Standards will help you to:
- Understand the NCTM program review process
- Navigate and interpret report template directions and submission requirements
- Understand assessment requirements/guidelines, rubric/scoring guide expectations, and data requirements
- Learn how to access and apply available resources
- Learn how reports are reviewed using standard rubrics
NCTM's Mathematics teacher preparation program recognition standards and review process provide National Recognition for middle and secondary mathematics teacher preparation programs.
This recognition can also support institutions seeking accreditation from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). National Recognition by NCTM for a mathematics teacher preparation program
supports the institutional CAEP Accreditation process with evidence that can be used as a resource in building a case for CAEP Standard 1 - content and pedagogical knowledge - and candidates’ ability to apply it.
Dates & Rates
All sessions start at 1:00 PM ET / 12 noon CT / 11 AM MT / 10 AM PT. Each training session is 3 hours long.
NCTM 2020 Standards Report Compiler Dates:
Special Member Rate: $350, Non-member Rate: $435
JOIN Not a member? Join today to gain access to exclusive member benefits and discounts.
- Registration includes a copy of the presentation materials.
- The registration fee is per institution. We encourage program report teams to view the webinar with their institution's CAEP coordinator.
- All registrations are final. Once processed, registration fees cannot be refunded.
Presenter Information
Dr. Irma Cruz-White is the NCTM SPA Coordinator and Mathematics Department Chairperson at Miami Dade College North Campus in Miami, Florida. She has served as a CAEP BOE member and as an NCTM Program Lead Reviewer and Audit Team member. Her professional experience includes teaching in the secondary level and developing and teaching mathematics courses for middle and secondary pre-service and in-service teachers.