Book Review: Roots and Sprouts: Cultivating Research on Mathematical Problem Posing

  • Book Review: Roots and Sprouts: Cultivating Research on Mathematical Problem Posing

    Reviewed by Edward A. Silver and Kwame Yankson, University of Michigan

    A book review of Mathematical Problem Posing: From Research to Effective Practice, edited by Florence Mihaela Singer, Nerida F. Ellerton, and Jinfa Cai.


    Mathematical Problem Posing: From Research to Effective Practice. Florence Mihaela Singer, Nerida F. Ellerton, and Jinfa Cai (Eds.). (2015). New York, NY: Springer, 569 pp. ISBN 978-1-4614-6257-6 (hb) $179.00, ISBN 978-1-4614-6258-3 (e-book) $139.00.