Steve Williams
Editorial You Have Been Chosen Steve Williams One of the most important and difficult tasks we undertake as an editorial staff is choosing reviewers for manuscripts. As others have pointed out (Silver, 2003; Smith, 2004), reviewers play two vital roles for JRME. First, they have the responsibiilit of representing the s
NCTM Research Committee
This article
discusses the challenge of improving the interrelationships between research
and practice in mathematics education, and it outlines actions being taking
to respond to that challenge. The need for improvement is bidirectional. The
practice of classroom mathematics
teaching needs to be better informed by an understanding of the implications
of existing bodies of research, and researchers need to learn more from the
insights and knowledge of practitioners. Building on its series of
initiatives designed to use research to guide mathematics teaching and
learning, NCTM has made a new commitment to a flexible, nimble, and
sustainable initiative that will strengthen the bidirectional link between
research and practice. This initiative includes the development of Research Analyses,
Briefs, and Clips (ABCs), research
syntheses designed through collaboration of teacher leaders and researchers
to inform instructional leaders and policymakers about research perspectives
on critical issues of practice.
David W. Carraher, Analúcia D. Schliemann, Barbara M. Brizuela, Darrell Earnest
Arithmetic and Algebra in Early Mathematics Education David W. Carraher TERC Analcia D. Schliemann and Brbara M. Brizuela Tufts University Darrell Earnest TERC Algebra instruction has traditionally been postponed until adolescence because of historical reasons (algebra emerged relatively recently), assumptions about ps
Sharon L. Senk, Denisse R. Thompson
Strategies Used by Second-Year Algebra Students to Solve Problems Sharon L. Senk Michigan State University Denisse R. Thompson University of South Florida This Brief Report describes a secondary analysis of the solutions written by 306 second-year algebra students to four constructed-response items representative of co
Rebecca McGraw, Sarah Thuele Lubienski, Marilyn E. Strutchens
A Closer Look at Gender in NAEP Mathematics Achievement and Affect Data: Intersections with Achievement, Race/Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status Rebecca McGraw University of Arizona Sarah Theule Lubienski University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Marilyn E. Strutchens Auburn University In this article we describe gen
Reviews of books relating to research in mathematics education.