Past Recordings

Representation, Computation, Communication: Purposeful Use of Routines within Curriculum Materials

Presented by: Kristin Gray, Jody Guarino,
Grades: 3rd to 5th

Instructional routines within the Illustrative Mathematics K-5 Curriculum support student and teacher learning. Participants will unpack the trajectory of instructional routines within the curriculum from two lenses; teacher learning and student learning and experience instructional activities that promote access and sense-making for all students.

100 (or So) One Hundred Grid Activities for the Algebra Student

Presented by: Elena Contreras Gullickson, Lesa Covington Clarkson,
Grades: 6th to 8th

The 100 grid is often used in elementary mathematics classrooms to introduce students to number patterns, addition, and subtraction. This workshop extends this tool to the middle school and high school learner beyond number sense and moves into algebraic thinking and problem-solving.

Creating a Math Classroom of #DreamChasers

Presented by: Joanna Stevens,
Grades: High School

The 2014 Kentucky High School Teacher of the Year will share how she helps all students in her rural, low socioeconomic school chase their dreams with a growth mindset. The strategies will focus on establishing culture, engaging instruction, and leading the learning as teachers to empower all students to call themselves mathematicians.

You’ve Got Stories: Now It’s Time to Write!

Presented by: Angela Barlow, Thomasenia Lott Adams, Rick Anderson, Roger Day, Clayton Edwards, Alison Langsdorf, Sandra Madden, Rebecca Robichaux-Davis,
Grades: 3rd to 5th, 6th to 8th, High School, Higher Education, PreK to 2nd

Teachers have educational stories from which other teachers can learn. But writing an article – where do you start? This webinar will feature members of the MTLT Editorial Board and focus on the process of writing for publication. From identifying the idea to writing the manuscript, this webinar will include helpful hints, strategies, and resources to aid in this process.

Teaching elementary school students to participate in mathematics discourse: techniques that work

Presented by: Paola Sztajn, Dan Heck, Kristen Malzahn,
Grades: PreK to 2nd

This session shares the idea that elementary school students need to learn to talk in productive ways during mathematics instruction and that ready-made techniques, when used in very purposeful ways, can effectively teach students how to talk in math class. Techniques from a successful professional development program will be shared.

Building Agency, Fostering Identities, and Promoting Social Change via Social Justice Contexts

Presented by: Marilyn Strutchens,
Grades: 6th to 8th

In this session, participants will experience how children's literature and other social justice contexts can be used to build agency, foster identities, and promote social change. NCTM's (2014) Mathematics Teaching Practices and other equitable teaching strategies will be highlighted. Participants will also examine student work and vignettes.

Supporting Students' Pathways through the Cycle of Inquiry and Justification

Presented by: Michelle Cirillo, Jenifer Hummer,
Grades: 6th to 8th, Higher Education

The Cycle of Inquiry and Justification was delineated as an essential concept for High School Mathematics (NCTM, 2018). After spending three years observing this cycle in classrooms, we identified the transition from conjecturing to proving as a key site for conceptual obstacles. These obstacles and strategies for overcoming them are explored.

Turning Adversaries Into Allies: Building Community-Wide Support for Your Initiatives in Mathematics Education

Presented by: Mike Flynn,
Grades: 3rd to 5th, 6th to 8th, High School, Higher Education, PreK to 2nd

Any initiative in mathematics education, whether classroom-based or state-wide, requires support from stakeholders (students, parents, administrators, school board, etc.) if it is going to be successful. However, building and sustaining that support can be challenging, especially if there are pockets of skeptics actively working against your goals. This session will address these challenges and provide educators and leaders with strategies and resources to help them build momentum in their communities to support meaningful and powerful mathematics education for each and every student.

Making the Most of Children's Literature: A Context to Explore Math and Understand the World

Presented by: Sue O’Connell,
Grades: 3rd to 5th

We recognize the value of children's literature in giving a context to explore math skills and concepts, but what if we could also spur students' understanding of the world and enhance their social consciousness through our selection of stories? Join us to explore books that engage students in thinking about mathematics and the world around them.

Positioning Reluctant Students as Math Thinkers and Doers!

Presented by: Claudia Bertolone-Smith, Heather Crawford-Ferre, Lynda Wiest,
Grades: 6th to 8th

I don't get it!!!! Do you have students who position themselves as novice math thinkers and doers? Come view the answer to this question through the self-portraits and prose of middle school math students. We will discuss ways to understand what is underneath student positioning and how teachers can structure math learning to empower students!

Rich Tasks Require Rich Implementation for Rich Learning to Result

Presented by: Peg Cagle,
Grades: 6th to 8th, High School

Research documents the critical role of tasks in generating high-quality opportunities for student learning. Examine pedagogical choices that maintain richness of risk-taking & sense-making throughout implementation. Explore rich uses of everyday tasks. Expand capacity to engage students as mathematicians to build efficacy, agency & math identity.

Promote Equitable Teaching Practices AND Focus on Content & Connections - Don't Settle For Only One!

Presented by: Farshid Safi,
Grades: 3rd to 5th, 6th to 8th, High School, Higher Education, PreK to 2nd

Engage in this interactive session that will showcase ways to promote equitable teaching practices while maintaining an intentional focus on connections & coherence. The power and promise of each and every student's identity and mathematical thinking should be visible and guide classroom instruction fostering mathematical notions and experiences.

Supporting Students’ Voice in the F2F and Virtual Mathematics Classroom

Presented by: Thomasenia Lott Adams,
Grades: 3rd to 5th

In any mathematics learning community, students should have an opportunity to meaningfully engage in learning. For both F2F and virtual learning communities, teachers who plan for and encourage interactions that lead to the exchange of ideas create the engagement opportunities that give students valuable voice in the learning experience.

It's All about Connections: Let's See Why Geometry & Algebra Belong Together!

Presented by: Karen Greenhaus,
Grades: 6th to 8th

Come explore many algebra and geometry connections at this dynamic math webinar. Engage in learning activities that incorporate movement, visualization, data collection, graphing, and geometric constructions using free dynamic math technology, ( The session focuses on building understanding of geometry concepts and applying algebraic reasoning. Math is about doing and seeing and connecting - join the fun! Free, ready-to-use lessons will be shared.

Sharing Skepticism and Arguing Constructively in Math Class

Presented by: David Wees,
Grades: High School

Do you want students to argue in class and build their capacity to construct and critique mathematical arguments? In this workshop, we will experience the Sharing Skepticism instructional routine designed to inclusively develop ALL students' ability to argue mathematically. We will unpack the routine together and prepare to enact it ourselves.

Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk: Routines for Math Workshop

Presented by: Le’Vada Gray,
Grades: 3rd to 5th, 6th to 8th, High School, Higher Education, PreK to 2nd

Research states that developing academic talk for underserved students is an effective method for teachers to help their students access mathematical concepts. In this session, teachers and coaches will examine number sense routines and discussion strategies to increase all underserved students' reasoning and discourse in a Math Workshop setting.

Playing with Mathematical Ideas

Presented by: Janice Novakowski,
Grades: PreK to 2nd

What is math? Where is math? Who does math? The goals of our district's math studio is support students' mathematical learning through connected and playful experiences while also creating opportunities for student agency through meaningful projects. Stories and examples from a three year project in a math studio with K-3 classes will be shared.

Developing Powerful Creators of Mathematics through Rich Argumentation Discourse

Presented by: Jennifer Knudsen, Teresa Lara-Meloy, Harriette Stevens,
Grades: 6th to 8th

Argumentation discourse has the potential to help students develop as powerful users and creators of mathematics in a classroom community. This requires specific attention to creating safe environments to engage all youth. Come learn how to help your students take on mathematical authority through rich activities and powerful teaching moves.

The programs of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics present a variety of viewpoints. The content and views expressed or implied in these presentations should not be interpreted as official positions of the Council. References to particular commercial products by a speaker are not an NCTM endorsement of said product(s) and should not be construed as such. Any use of e-mail addresses beyond personal correspondence is not authorized by NCTM.