
  • Vol. 48, No. 1, January 2017

    Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Stephen Hwang, Charles Hohensee, Victoria Robison, and James Hiebert University of Delaware


    This editorial discusses how research can have a larger impact on educational practice and what kinds of research can have the greatest impact on educational practice.


    Tonya Bartell, Michigan State University; Anita Wager, University of Wisconsin–Madison; Ann Edwards, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; Dan Battey, Rutgers University; Mary Foote, Queens College; Joi Spencer, University of San Diego

    This commentary provides a framework for future research that hypothesizes research-based equitable mathematics teaching practices in support of the CCSSM’s Standards for Mathematical Practice, connecting research, policy, and practice in order to realize the equity potential of the CCSSM.

    Megan Nickels, University of Central Florida; Craig J. Cullen, Illinois State University

    A 14-year old child with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia participated in 52 weeks of robotics task-based interviews. The authors asked the following questions during their research: Can robotics play support the devolution of a fundamental situation to an adidactic situation of mathematics for children who are critically ill? When children with critical illness engage in robotics play, what are the key features of the robotics phenomenon that support devolution to an adidactic situation?

    Jo Boaler, Stanford University; Sarah Kate Selling, University of Utah


    In a previous study of 2 schools in England that taught mathematics very differently, the first author found that a project-based mathematics approach resulted in higher achievement, greater understanding, and more appreciation of mathematics than a traditional approach. This follow-up showed that the young adults who had experienced the 2 mathematics teaching approaches developed profoundly different relationships with mathematics knowledge that contributed toward the shaping of different identities as learners and users of mathematics.


    Reviewed by Amanda Jansen, Joseph DiNapoli, and Kristin McKenney, University of Delaware


    A book review of From Beliefs to Dynamic Affect Systems in Mathematics Education: Exploring a Mosaic of Relationships and Interactions, edited by Birgit Pepin and Bettina Roesken-Winter.


    Reviewed by Edward A. Silver and Kwame Yankson, University of Michigan

    A book review of Mathematical Problem Posing: From Research to Effective Practice, edited by Florence Mihaela Singer, Nerida F. Ellerton, and Jinfa Cai.