Supporting Teacher Noticing of Students’ Mathematical Strengths

  • Supporting Teacher Noticing of Students’ Mathematical Strengths

    Lisa M. Jilk, University of Washington
    Video cases and video clubs have become popular tools for supporting teacher learning. One concern is that many of the video projects discussed in the research literature may unintentionally continue to perpetuate deficit perspectives about students by focusing more on their gaps in understanding than on the strengths they bring to their learning. This article describes a video club that is part of a multidimensional professional development network that aims to re-culture mathematics classrooms so that all students have challenging and empowering learning experiences. I discuss shifts in teachers’ ways of seeing and talking about students’ mathematical activity that the video club has made possible, as well as features of the video club that have supported these shifts.
    Key words: Equity; Mathematical strengths; Noticing; Teacher professional development