NCTM launched a new practitioner journal, Mathematics
Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12 (MTLT), in January 2020.
The new journal reflects the current practices of mathematics education, as well as maintaining a knowledge base of practice and policy in looking at the future of the field. Content is aimed at preschool to 12th grade with peer-reviewed and invited articles.
In July 2017, the NCTM Board of Directors approved a proposal to consolidate its three practitioner journals -- Teaching Children Mathematics, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, and Mathematics Teacher -- with a January 2020 launch of the new journal as a kick-off to NCTM's centennial year celebration. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, will be published 12 times a year, will provide more frequent and timely content on topics of relevance to math educators and learners, and the digital version of the journal will embrace the latest technology to promote individual member engagement and community, while continuing to deliver the grade-band specific high-quality classroom resource materials.
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