Joleigh Honey

  • Joleigh Honey

    Joleigh Honey

    Candidate for Director – At-Large


    Mathematics Equity Specialist, Utah State Board of Education (USBE) (2020-Present)


    M.A. (Curriculum/Technology; Administration), University of Phoenix; B.S. (Mathematics Education), University of South Carolina


    STEM Coordinator/Secondary Mathematics Specialist, USBE (2014-2020); K-12 Mathematics Coordinator, Salt Lake City School District (2008-2013); Secondary Specialist and Mathematics Teacher, (1994-2008), Granite and Jordan School District, Utah 

    Professional Memberships

    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM); Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM); Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics (ASSM); TODOS: Mathematics for ALL; Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics (UCTM)

    Leadership Experiences in Mathematics Education

    Executive Board (Secretary) (2022-Present) Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (CBMS); President (2020-2022), Board of Directors (2017-2023), ASSM; Member Nominations and Elections Committee (2016-2019), NCTM; Coordinator, Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching (2014-2020), USBE; President (2014-2016), UCTM; Volunteer Chair, Local Arrangements Committee, Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City (2008) and Regional (2019), NCTM


    Coauthor, Position Statement, The Role of the Elementary Mathematics Specialists (2022), NCTM; Coauthor, Continuing the Journey (2021), NCTM/NCSM/ASSM; Coauthor, OpenUp High School Mathematics (2021); Coauthor, STEM^4: The Power of Collaboration (2016)


    Mathematics teachers are compassionate, student focused, and BUSY. As professionals, we want to increase student engagement/outcomes, collaborate with colleagues, and easily find resources to support our individual and collective efforts. Educators have both common and diverse needs as a community, and together with NCTM, we can establish various initiatives that support each of us in our journey. 

    NCTM’s commitment to creating research-backed resources is essential to ensuring that every student is mathematically prepared for their future. Recent resources include a focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion while maintaining the importance of student engagement in rigorous mathematics. My vision aligns with this direction. Unfortunately, only a very small percentage of mathematics teachers are NCTM members, and even members may be unaware of these benefits or how to easily access them. Let’s change this! 

    As teachers, we can create small networks to meet our diverse needs where we learn from each other and experts in our field. This collaboration will result in higher levels of job satisfaction, more positive outcomes for students, and the development of friendships with those who have similar interests. 

    My experiences as a change agent allow me to bring fresh and proven ideas as an NCTM Board member. Career strengths at the district, state, and national levels are listening to the ideas of others, finding ways to seek consensus, and creating initiatives that result in positive change. Join me in this vision with your vote!